Port Scanner: Revision history

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18 March 2024

  • curprev 05:1105:11, 18 March 2024Doridian talk contribs 836 bytes +836 Created page with "This script scans a server to check all ports for open or closed status. == Script == <pre>// scanner.ds domain/ip start_port end_port // $1 = domain/ip // $2 = start_port // $3 = end_port IF $2 = "" $2 = 1 ENDIF IF $3 = "" $3 = 65536 ENDIF $domain = GETDOMAIN($1) $ip = GETIP($1) WAIT FOR $domain, $ip SAY Domain : $domain SAY IP Address : $ip SAY SAY Scanning... FOR $curPort = $2 to $3 $ping = PINGPORT($1, $curPort) WAIT FOR $ping..."