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  • 05:22, 18 March 2024Remote function (hist | edit) ‎[1,140 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Remote functions are functions that have to connect to an internet server, to send and/or receive data, before returning a value. To wait for the function to finish connecting and return the value properly, you must use the WAIT FOR function. <pre> WAIT FOR $var</pre> For example: <pre> $ip = $var = ping($ip) WAIT FOR $var //continue...</pre> The variable contains the value "[loading]" while waiting...")
  • 05:21, 18 March 2024REGISTER (hist | edit) ‎[478 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Syntax == <pre>REGISTER [name].[tld]</pre> == Parameters == '''[name]''' Desired name for your website. '''[tld]''' Top-level domain. Examples: ''.com'', ''.net'', ''.dsn'' == Example == <pre>REGISTER</pre> == Prices == The current prices are displayed at the COMM window. Current prices are: {| class="wikitable" |- ! TLD ! Price |- | .com | $120 |- | .net | $80 |- | .org | $80 |- | .edu | $299 |- | .mil | $1499 |- | .gov | $1499 |- | .dsn | $12999 |}")
  • 05:19, 18 March 2024RUN (hist | edit) ‎[471 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''RUN''' ''filename'' Runs the specified file as a script. The script can also be ran by simply typing its filename into the console. == Parameters == ''filename'' The file to run.<br /> '''NOTE:''' RUN executes a file as if it were a script, so a file ''must'' be a script in order to run correctly. If you wish to simply view the contents of a file in the console, use CAT instead. == Example == Run the script "test.ds" <pre>RUN test.ds</pre>")
  • 05:18, 18 March 2024SAYLINE (hist | edit) ‎[551 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Usage == SAYLINE ''string'' == Parameters == ''string'' - the string or other data to print == Example == The following code: <pre>SAY "Hello" SAY "Howdy" SAYLINE "GoodBye"</pre> Produces the following output: <pre>Hello GoodBye</pre> == Other Notes == SAYLINE will also replace itself, so you can use SAYLINE repeatedly to change the last line of text displayed in the console. '''Warning:''' Certain functions/commands can stop...")
  • 05:17, 18 March 2024SAY (hist | edit) ‎[466 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''SAY''' {''[optional] text formatting codes''} ''any value'' Outputs what ever comes after the SAY command to the console == Parameters == ''any value'' - this can be an ''int'', a ''string'', or anything else. ''text formatting codes'' - optional codes that change the text color, font, and size. Note that the smallest fontsize you can use 8 and the largest is 144 == Example == Displays "Hello world" in the console. <pre>SAY Hello world.</pre>")
  • 05:16, 18 March 2024SAYCOMM (hist | edit) ‎[276 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''SAYCOMM''' ''any value'' Outputs what ever comes after the SAYCOMM command to the comm == Parameters == ''any value'' - this can be an ''int'', a ''string'', or anything else. == Example == Displays "Hello world" in the comm. <pre>SAYCOMM Hello world.</pre>")
  • 05:16, 18 March 2024TIME (hist | edit) ‎[57 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Displays the current system time. Requires no parameters.")
  • 05:15, 18 March 2024USERNAME (hist | edit) ‎[142 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Use to enter your username to login with. Used in conjunction with '''PASSWORD'''. <pre>USERNAME [your username goes here]</pre>")
  • 05:11, 18 March 2024Port Scanner (hist | edit) ‎[836 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This script scans a server to check all ports for open or closed status. == Script == <pre>// scanner.ds domain/ip start_port end_port // $1 = domain/ip // $2 = start_port // $3 = end_port IF $2 = "" $2 = 1 ENDIF IF $3 = "" $3 = 65536 ENDIF $domain = GETDOMAIN($1) $ip = GETIP($1) WAIT FOR $domain, $ip SAY Domain : $domain SAY IP Address : $ip SAY SAY Scanning... FOR $curPort = $2 to $3 $ping = PINGPORT($1, $curPort) WAIT FOR $ping...")
  • 05:10, 18 March 2024PINGPORT (hist | edit) ‎[487 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''int'' '''PINGPORT'''(''string'' server, ''int'' port) Pings the specified port on the specified server, returning 0 when there is no script running on the port, or 1 when there is. == Parameters == ''server'' The server where the request will be sent. Can be an IP address or domain name.<br /> ''port'' The port to ping. == Example == Check if the site that is given has this port open. <pre>$v = PINGPORT(, 80) WAIT FOR $v SAY Response : $v on IP P...")
  • 05:09, 18 March 2024PING (hist | edit) ‎[343 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''int'' '''PING'''(''string'' server) Pings the specified server, returning 0 if the server doesn't exist and 1 if it does. == Parameters == ''server'' The server to ping. Can be an IP address or domain name. == Example == Check if the site that is given exists. <pre>$v = PING( WAIT FOR $v SAY Response : $v on IP</pre>")
  • 05:08, 18 March 2024PASSWORD (hist | edit) ‎[142 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Use to enter your password to login with. Used in conjunction with '''USERNAME'''. <pre>PASSWORD [your password goes here]</pre>")
  • 05:06, 18 March 2024MYDOMAINS (hist | edit) ‎[60 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lists the domains you currently own. Requires no parameters.")
  • 05:06, 18 March 2024MUSIC (hist | edit) ‎[222 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''MUSIC''' ''command'' Controls the music playing. == Parameters == ''command'' this can be one of: OFF, ON, NEXT, PREV == Usage == Go to the next track <pre>MUSIC NEXT</pre> Turn off the music <pre>MUSIC OFF</pre>")
  • 05:05, 18 March 2024MD (hist | edit) ‎[102 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "MD <Directory name> Creates a directory named <directory name> in your current directory.")
  • 05:04, 18 March 2024LOOKUP (hist | edit) ‎[105 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "LOOKUP <ip or domain name> Displays info about the <ip or domain name> in the status window.")
  • 05:03, 18 March 2024LOGOUT (hist | edit) ‎[126 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "LOGOUT logs you off the DSO network. You have to run this before changing username and password if you are already logged in.")
  • 05:02, 18 March 2024LOGIN (hist | edit) ‎[129 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Logs in to the DSO network, but only if '''USERNAME''' and '''PASSWORD''' is set. No parameters needed.")
  • 05:00, 18 March 2024LISTKEYS (hist | edit) ‎[344 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Display the available shortcut keys and their actions in the console. Requires no parameters. '''Output:''' <pre> Dark Signs Keyboard Actions Page Up: Scroll the console up. Page Down: Scroll the console down. Shift + Page Up: Decrease size of the COMM. Shift + Page Down: Increase size of the COMM. F11: Toggle maximum console display. </pre>")
  • 04:59, 18 March 2024LISTCOLORS (hist | edit) ‎[61 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Lists the color codes in the console. Requires no parameters.")
  • 04:58, 18 March 2024LINEUP (hist | edit) ‎[15 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Not)
  • 04:57, 18 March 2024LCASE (hist | edit) ‎[320 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''string'' '''LCASE'''(''string'' message) Returns the given string in lowercase. == Parameters == ''message'' String to put in lowercase. == Example == Sample input, now it wont matter if the user inputs '''y''' instead of '''Y''' <pre>$i = INPUT(Register Y/N?) $i = LCASE($i) IF $i = y THEN //Do something.</pre>")
  • 04:56, 18 March 2024IPFinder (hist | edit) ‎[498 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This script searches all IPs and PINGs them to build a list of open or closed IPs (Currently in version 2) == Script == <pre>$q=0 $w=0 $e=0 $r=0 $ip=$q.$w.$e.$r @IPLOOP IF $r > 255 $r=0 $e=$e+1 $ip=$q.$w.$e.$r SAY $ip ENDIF IF $e > 255 $e=0 $w=$w+1 $ip=$q.$w.$e.$r SAY $ip ENDIF IF $w > 255 $w=0 $q=$q+1 $ip=$q.$w.$e.$r SAY $ip ENDIF $r=$r+1 $ip=$q.$w.$e.$r IF PING($ip) = 1 Say $IP OPEN ENDIF IF $q < 256...")
  • 04:55, 18 March 2024INPUT (hist | edit) ‎[475 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''string'' '''INPUT'''(''string'' message) Get input from the user. Returns the given string. == Parameters == ''message'' This will be printed before the cursor. == Example == Sample menu script, using INPUT. <pre>SAY " [0] Item 1" SAY " [1] Item 2" SAY " [2] Quit" $in = INPUT(Make your choice) IF $in = 0 THEN SAY Item 1 ELSE IF $in = 1 THEN SAY item 2 ELSE IF $in = 2 THEN SAY Bye! EXIT ELSE SAY Invalid input! END IF</pre>")
  • 04:54, 18 March 2024How to create a nick (hist | edit) ‎[1,117 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Upon entering the chat you will find DSO_$username_RandomNumber is you. This is because you have yet to register a nickname. Type <pre> /nick DSO_<username></pre> You should see that the name has not yet been registered Type <pre> /msg nickserv register <your-password></pre> It is a good idea to register the DSO_<username> to use for your primary nick Now, let's set your email. Type <pre> /msg nickserv set hide email on </pre> Then <pre> /msg ni...")
  • 04:50, 18 March 2024Global variables (hist | edit) ‎[663 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Global variables are variables set in DarkSigns Online which can not have any other value assigned to them. == User Specific Variables == <code> '''$time''' Contains string of local time. '''$date''' Contains string of local date. '''$now''' Contains string of local date and time. '''$username''' Username of the current user. '''$dir''' The current directory of the current user. </code> == Server Specific Variable == <code> '''$serverdomain''' The current server...")
  • 04:45, 18 March 2024GETIP (hist | edit) ‎[66 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "GETIP <Domain name> Retrieves the ip of <Domain Name>")
  • 04:45, 18 March 2024GETDOMAIN (hist | edit) ‎[72 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "GETDOMAIN <ip address> Gets the domain name of <ip address>")
  • 04:42, 18 March 2024Functions List (hist | edit) ‎[3,876 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following functions are available in DarkSigns Online: == String Functions == <code> '''ASC''' Get the ASCII value of the specified text character '''CHR''' Get the character of the given ASCII value '''FIXQUOTES''' Return the string with double quotes like " all replaced with single quotes. '''GETKEY''' Retruns the key value of the next key pressed. '''GETASCII''' Returns the ascii value of the next ke...")
  • 04:35, 18 March 2024EDIT (hist | edit) ‎[73 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Edits (and creates if file doesn't exist) a file. <pre>EDIT bah.ds</pre>")
  • 04:34, 18 March 2024DSO User Manual (hist | edit) ‎[14,958 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Welcome to the Dark Signs Online ''officially'' Unofficial Users Manual for Beta Stages of DSO. == '''Current Edition is for 0.80.1''' Composed by Toni. First of all in case you missed this on the front page: Dark Signs Online is the new improved, online multi-player version of Dark Signs, allowing people to own their own domains, share missions instantly, and hack other users. Dark Signs Online includes major enhancements to the script language, which to many new...")
  • 04:31, 18 March 2024DOWNLOAD (hist | edit) ‎[261 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''string'' '''DOWNLOAD'''(''string'' url) Gets a real website, and returns the HTML content. == Parameters == ''url'' The web adress to visit. == Example == Get the contents of <pre>$i = DOWNLOAD( WAIT FOR $i SAY $i</pre>")
  • 04:30, 18 March 2024DISPLAY (hist | edit) ‎[200 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre>DISPLAY <Filename> <optional startline> <optional maxline></pre> == Examples == <code>DISPLAY somefile.txt 1 5</code> displays '''somefile.txt''' lines '''1''' through '''5'''")
  • 04:28, 18 March 2024DIR (hist | edit) ‎[461 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''DIR''' (''string'' optional-filter) Displays the files and folders in the directory you are currently in. == Parameters == DIR has no mandatory parameters. However, an optional keyword (''optional-filter'') can be provided that makes DIR display only the files and folders in the current directory that contain that keyword in their names. == Example == Display the files and folders that have the word "server" in them. <pre>DIR server</pre>")
  • 04:27, 18 March 2024DEL (hist | edit) ‎[57 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre>DEL <Filename></pre> deletes <Filename>")
  • 04:26, 18 March 2024DATE (hist | edit) ‎[56 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Display the current system date. Requires no paramaters.")
  • 04:25, 18 March 2024COPY (hist | edit) ‎[170 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre>COPY source-file destinatin-file</pre> Example #1: <pre>COPY myoldfile.ds mynewfile.ds</pre> Example #2: <pre>COPY /home/myoldfile.ds /home/dir2/mynewfile.ds</pre>")
  • 04:25, 18 March 2024CONNECT (hist | edit) ‎[404 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre>CONNECT [server] [port] [optional-paramaters]</pre> Connect to a server domain name or IP address on the specified port. If no port number is specified, the default port number is 80. You must specify the port number if you are including optional paramaters. <pre>CONNECT 80 qwertywert</pre> Connects to on port 80, and passes paramater $1 with a string "qwertywert"")
  • 04:14, 18 March 2024CLOSEPORT (hist | edit) ‎[85 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Closes an unneeded port on a server <pre>CLOSEPORT <Server> <Port></pre>")
  • 03:56, 18 March 2024CLEAR (hist | edit) ‎[115 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Clears the console screen. Takes no paramaters. Can be shortened to <code>CLS</code> which stands for clear screen")
  • 03:55, 18 March 2024CHR (hist | edit) ‎[359 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''char'' '''CHR'''(''integer'' ASCII_value) Gets a character from an ASCII value. == Parameters == ''ASCII_value'' This is the ASCII code that specifies the return character. == Example == A way to get rid of newlines in a string. <pre>$newline=chr(13)chr(10) $dir=run(ls) $dir=replace("$dir","$newline","") SAY $dir</pre>")
  • 03:54, 18 March 2024CHATVIEW (hist | edit) ‎[70 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "CHATVIEW [on|off] If CHATVIEW is on it displays chat in status window")
  • 03:54, 18 March 2024CHATSEND (hist | edit) ‎[101 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "CHATSEND <message to the chat> A simple way of sending messages to the chat from your console.")
  • 03:52, 18 March 2024CD (hist | edit) ‎[199 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Change the active path to the specified directory. <pre>CD [directory-name]</pre> <pre>cd home</pre> Will move you to your home directory. <pre>cd..</pre> Will return you to the parent directory")
  • 03:51, 18 March 2024CAT (hist | edit) ‎[58 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "CAT <filename> displays content of <filename>")
  • 03:50, 18 March 2024/api/auth.php (hist | edit) ‎[118 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Authenticate == '''Method:''' GET '''Parameters:''' * u: username * p: password '''Return values:''' * 1001: Valid * 1002: Invalid")
  • 03:48, 18 March 2024ASC (hist | edit) ‎[174 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''integer'' '''ASC'''(''char'' ASCII_character) Gets a ASCII value from an character. == Parameters == ''ASCII_value'' This is the character that specifies the ASCII code.")
  • 03:47, 18 March 2024APPEND (hist | edit) ‎[236 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Appends data to the end of a file <pre>APPEND myFile.txt test 1 APPEND myFile.txt test 2 APPEND myFile.txt test 3 $myVar = test 4 APPEND myFile.txt $myVar</pre> And myFile.txt will look like this <pre>test 1 test 2 test 3 test 4</pre>")
  • 03:44, 18 March 2024Commands List (hist | edit) ‎[3,455 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following commands are available in DarkSigns: '''Commands''' <code> '''APPEND''' Adds information to a file. '''CAT''' Outputs the contents of a file to the console. '''CD''' Change to the specified directory. '''CHATSEND''' Sends message to the chat. '''CHATVIEW''' Enables chat to be posts to the comm window. '''CLEAR''' Clears the current console tab. '''CLOSEPORT''' Shuts down a...")
  • 03:30, 18 March 2024API (hist | edit) ‎[452 bytes]Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The DarkSigns Online API is located at''' There is a proposed update to the DarkSigns Online [ Terms of Use] that will make interfacing with the DSO API directly against the rules and may result in a ban. == <span class="mw-headline">Known Files</span> == * /api/index.php * /api/auth.php * /api/lookup.php * wiki/i...")
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