From Dark Signs Online
Revision as of 05:09, 19 March 2024 by Doridian (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''string'' '''SERVERTOKEN'''() Get a short lived server verification token == Example == Creates a server token and sends it to a remote server for validation <pre> $token = SERVERTOKEN() WAIT FOR $token $token = URLEncode($token) $data = DOWNLOAD($token) WAIT FOR $data SAY $data</pre> == Validation == The token is a JWT standard token signed with the RS256 algorithm. The public can to verify the token can be found here: https://da...")
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Get a short lived server verification token


Creates a server token and sends it to a remote server for validation

$token = SERVERTOKEN()
WAIT FOR $token
$token = URLEncode($token)
$data = DOWNLOAD($token)
WAIT FOR $data
SAY $data


The token is a JWT standard token signed with the RS256 algorithm. The public can to verify the token can be found here:

The token's payload will look as follows when connected to (excluding the comments indicated by //)

  "iss": "", // Always this value
  "aud": "", // The Dark Signs Online domain the user is connected to that requested the token
  "sub": "1", // The User ID of the user
  "name": "doridian", // The username of the user
  "iat": 1710821229, // Issued At
  "exp": 1710821529 // Expires At